New England activists with our Canadian partners formed NAMRA (North America Megadam Resistance Alliance) in 2015. This international alliance of hydro-dam opponents is pushing back against the social, economic and environmental injustices in North America and worldwide of large-scale hydroelectric projects.
A sub-team of NAMRA, New England Canadian Provinces Alliance (NECAPA) is now developing an educational campaign of action against the greenwashing of megadams while promoting green energy, and climate justice, along with specific current scientific research on the impact on the Arctic of this damaging infrastructure.
The New England Canadian Provinces Alliance (NECAPA) is a non-profit, volunteer led organization to build a movement against the greenwashing of megadams. Through scientific facts and climate justice we’ll explore to what extent large dams play a role in local, regional, and global climate destablization.
Read an important article about the damage of “green” hydro.